This section of the tutorial deals with
user-defined models. You will continue with the schematic that you saved in 2.4 Edit Parameter-Extracted Models and then
change the diode to a user-defined model.
Key Concepts
This topic addresses the following key concepts:
- A user-defined diode model can be used to model an ideal synchronous rectifier, with the
minimum of circuit components.
- Diode models are implemented with PWL resistors in SIMPLIS.
What You Will Learn
In this topic, you will learn the following:
- How to model a synchronous rectifier with a user-defined diode.
2.5.1 Model a Synchronous Rectifier
with a User-defined Diode
SIMPLIS Diode models are PWL resistors with a
high off-resistance and a low on-resistance. The parameter-extracted models use a three
segment model, where the third segment represents an intermediate resistance between the
high off-resistance segment and the low on-resistance segment.
The user-defined model uses a two segment
model and you can enter the resistance and voltage values into the dialog. Although it might
not be obvious at first, this model can represent an ideal synchronous rectifier with the
following characteristics:
- The forward voltage of the diode is 0V.
- When the diode current is positive, the diode has a forward resistance equal to the
on-resistance of the synchronous rectifier MOSFET.
- When the diode current is negative, the diode turns off and the resistance is high,
representing the off-resistance of the synchronous rectifier MOSFET.
- Because the diode turns on and off in response to the circuit voltages and currents, the
timing for the synchronous rectifier is ideal, that is, no dead time or drive signal is
You will now change the diode to use the
user-defined model and enter the parameters to make it behave like an ideal synchronous
rectifier MOSFET.
To change the diode to a user-defined model,
follow these steps:
- Double click the D1 symbol.
Result: The Extract
Diode : D1 Parameters dialog opens.
- Click the User-defined radio button on the upper left side of the dialog.
Result: The parameters on the right side of the dialog change to
User-defined parameters.
Note: The User-defined parameters are set to the values
calculated in the last parameter extraction.

- Make the following changes to the User-defined parameters:
Parameter label |
Value |
Label |
ideal_sr |
Forward voltage |
0 |
Forward resistance |
10m |
Output Capacitance |
0 |
Result: The dialog should now look like

- Click OK.
Result: The diode now represents an ideal
synchronous rectifier with a 10mΩ on-resistance and 100MegΩ off-resistance. The forward
voltage drop is 0V.
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2.5.2 Save your Schematic
To save your schematic, follow these
- Select .
- Navigate to your working directory where you are saving your schematics.
- Save the file as 2_my_buck_converter.sxsch.
- When prompted to overwrite the existing file, click Yes.
A schematic saved at this state can be
downloaded here: 2_SIMPLIS_tutorial_buck_converter.sxsch.
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