SIMPLIS Tutorial
1.0 Getting Started
2.0 Entering the Design
2.1 Add Symbols and Wires
2.2 Edit Standard Component Values
2.3 Edit Multi-Level Models
2.4 Edit Parameter-Extracted Models
2.5 Change to a User-defined Model
3.0 Simulating the Design
3.1 Set up a Transient Simulation
3.2 Set up a POP Analysis
3.3 Set up an AC Analysis
4.0 Managing the Simulation Output
4.1 Output Curves to Separate Grids
4.2 Reorder the Graph Grids
4.3 Define Waveform History
4.4 Add Scalar Measurements to Output Curves
4.5 Add Scalar Measurements to Probes
Appendix 4.A - Define Waveform Persistence
5.0 Building High-Level Models
5.1 Building a Compensator
5.2 Set up a Load Transient Simulation
5.3 Creating Hierarchical Schematics
5.4 Using Schematic Components
What is SIMPLIS?
SIMPLIS - Time Domain, All the Time
SIMPLIS - Piecewise Linear, All the Time
What SIMPLIS POP Does (and Why it Matters)
Accuracy of SIMPLIS PWL Models
Advanced SIMPLIS Training
Course Outline
Installing the Training Course License
Getting Started
Module 1 - Overview of the SIMPLIS Environment
Navigating the Course Material
1.0 SIMPLIS Basics
1.1 Introduction to DVM: What is DVM?
1.2 The SIMetrix/SIMPLIS User Interface
Module 2 - Advanced SIMPLIS
2.0 Transient Analysis Settings
2.1 Initial Conditions and Back Annotation
2.2 How POP Really Works
2.3 Managing Simulation Data
2.4 Advanced Probing
Module 3 - Running SIMPLIS Simulations
3.0 A Look Under the SIMPLIS Hood
3.1 SIMPLIS Multi-Step Analysis
3.2 SIMPLIS Monte Carlo Analysis
3.3 Loading a Schematic with Component Values
Module 4 - Introduction to Modeling
4.0 What is a Symbol?
4.1 What is a Model?
4.2 What is a Schematic Component File?
4.3 What is a Device?
4.4 Protecting Your Intellectual Property - Model Encryption
4.5 Debugging Slow Simulations
Appendix 4.A - Symbols May Not Represent What You Think
Module 5 - Parameterization
5.0 About Parameters
5.1 Passing Parameters into Subcircuits
5.2 Parameter-Editing Dialogs
5.3 Passing Parameters Through Multiple Hierarchy Levels
5.4 Exploiting the Netlist Preprocessor
Appendix 5.A - Passing Parameters into Subcircuits Using the PARAMS Property
Appendix 5.B - Single Property Parameterization
Appendix 5.C - Tabbed Dialog Spreadsheet Tool
Module 6 - Modeling
6.0 Model Requirements
Application A - Create MOSFET Driver Model
Application B - Modeling and Measuring Power Stage Efficiency
Application C - Low-Voltage High-Current Tuned Load Line Techniques
Application D - Using the Design Verification Module
Application E - Digital Control: Convert Analog Compensation Network to Digital Compensation Network
Application F - Combining a SIMPLIS schematic with a C-code DLL
Application G - Simulating the Impact of the Power Distribution Network (PDN) on Power Supply Systems with High di/dt Loads
Handout A: Useful Keyboard Shortcut Keys
Handout B: Training Keyboard Shortcut Keys
Handout C: Schematic Tips and Tricks
Handout D: SIMPLIS PWL R, L, C
Handout E: SIMPLIS VPWL and IPWL Resistors
Bode Plot Probe w/ Measurements
Multi-Level Capacitor Level 0-3 w/Quantity (Version 8.0+)
Multi-Level Lossy Inductor (Version 8.0+)
File-Defined Piecewise Linear Source (FDPWL)
Piecewise Linear Passive Devices (R,L,C)
PWL Resistors
PWL Capacitors
Multi-Level PWL Capacitor w/ Level 0-3 (Version 8.0+)
PWL Inductors
Multi-Level Lossy PWL Inductor (Version 8.0+)
Multi-Level Lossy Transformer (Version 8.4+)
Subcircuit Capacitors
Converting SPICE Models for use in SIMPLIS - Overview
SPICE Model Installation Process
Supported Models
Model Extraction Options
Converting MOSFET SPICE Models With >3 Terminals
SIMPLIS Reverse Recovery Diode
Analog Functions
Continuous or Discrete Time Filter
Laplace Filters (1st, 2nd, 3rd Order)
Multi-Level MOSFET Driver (Version 8.0+)
Multi-Level Parameterized Opamp (Version 8.0+)
Parameterized Linear Regulator
Parameterized Opto Coupler (Version 8.0+)
Parameterized Voltage Reference
PFC POP Trigger Schematic Device
POP Trigger Schematic Device
Summers (Version 8.0+)
Switched Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source
Trailing Edge PWM
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator w/ Programmable Duty Cycle
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator w/ 50% Duty Cycle
SIMPLIS Digital Devices
When is Ground Ref Required?
Signal Level of a Node
Maximizing Simulation Speed in Mixed-Mode Simulations
SIMPLIS A to D / D to A
SIMPLIS Counters
SIMPLIS Discrete Time Filters
SIMPLIS Flip-Flops
Digital Functions
SIMPLIS Registers
Digital Sources
DLL-defined Digital Devices
Tri-State Buffers and Pull Up/Down Resistors
PWL Transformer Model
Power Supply Sources and Loads
SIMPLIS Analysis Modes - Overview
SIMPLIS Transient Analysis
Periodic Operating Point
POP Advanced Options
SIMPLIS Simulation Options
SIMPLIS Multi-step Runs - Overview
SIMPLIS Multi-step Parameter Analysis
SIMPLIS Monte Carlo Analysis
Multi-core Multi-step SIMPLIS Analyses
SIMPLIS Multi-Step Simulations - Saving State
SIMPLIS Initial Condition Back Annotation
How does Back-annotation Work?
Issues with Hierarchical Blocks and Subcircuits
SIMPLIS Data Selection - Overview
DVM - Design Verification Module
DVM Tutorial
1.0 Introduction: What is DVM?
2.0 Getting Started
3.0 Configuring the Schematic for DVM
4.0 Adding Curves and Measurements
5.0 Running Built-in Testplans
6.0 Customizing Testplans
7.0 Scripting
8.0 Applications
9.0 Tutorial Summary
DVM Reference
Introduction to DVM
Managed Sources and Loads
Symbolic Values
DVM Measurements
Measuring the Switching Frequency
DVM Control Symbols
DC Input Sources
Auxiliary Input Sources
AC Line Input Sources
Output Load Subcircuits
Specialized Analyses
DVM Reports
DC/DC Built-In Testplan
AC/DC Built-In Testplan
Add Curves Testplan
Add Power Losses
Add Scalar Measurements
Create Scalar Measurements
Line and Load Regulation
Measuring Loop Parameters
Promoting Graphs
Promoting Graphs from Built-In Testplan
Promoting Scalars
PulseLoad() and PulseLine()
Suppressing Specifications
Using ArbitraryBodePlot()
Using ArbitraryCurve()
Using ExtractCurve()
Using Jumpers
Using Scripts
Global Start of Conversion Signals
SystemDesigner Devices
A to D / D to A
Constant Value
Data Register
SOC Clock Breakin
Global Clock Breakout
Shift Operation
Unit Delay
User Manual
About SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Documentation
What is Simetrix?
What is SIMPLIS?
Why Simulate?
System Requirements
Quick Start
Tutorial 1 - A Simple Ready to Run Circuit
Tutorial 2 - A Simple SMPS Circuit
Tutorial 3 - Installing Third Party Models
Getting Started
Getting Started
Simulation Modes - SIMetrix or SIMPLIS
Using the Schematic Editor
Circuit Rules
Analysis Modes
Running the Simulator
Plotting Simulation Results
SIMetrix GUI Environment
Directory Viewer
Interface Styles
Schematic Editor
Hierarchical Schematic Entry
Schematic Annotations
Schematic Styles
Schematic Grouping
Schematic Printing
File Operations
Template Property
LTspice® Compatibility
Netlist to Schematic Converter
Load Component Values
Using Schematic Editor for CMOS IC Design
Further Information
Symbol Editor and Library
Creating Schematic Symbols - Overview
Graphical Symbol Editor
Creating a Symbol from a Script
Symbol Library Manager
How to Find and Place Parts
Part Selector
Part Search
Model Library Browser
Numbered Parts in SIMPLIS
Circuit Stimulus
Generic Parts
Creating Models
Special Parts
Parameters and Expressions
Analog Behavioural Modelling
Non-linear Transfer Function
Laplace Transfer Function
Device Library and Parts Management
Device Library and Parts Management
Using Model Library Browser
Parts Management - Installing Models
Parts Management - Configuring the Part Selector
Parts Management - Advanced Topics
Sundry Topics
Analysis Modes
Analysis Modes
Running Simulations
Transient Analysis
Operating Point
Sweep Modes
DC Sweep
AC Sweep
Noise Analysis
Real Time Noise
Transfer Function
DC Sensitivity
Data Handling and Keeps
Simulator Options
Multi-step Analyses
Safe Operating Area Testing
SIMPLIS Analysis Modes
SIMPLIS Analysis Modes
Transient Analysis
Periodic Operating Point (POP)
AC Analysis
Multi-step and Monte Carlo Analyses
Initial Condition Back-annotation
Graphs, Probes and Data Analysis
Graphs, Probes and Data Analysis
Elements of the Graph Window
Probes: Fixed vs. Random
Fixed Probes
Random Probes
Plot Journals and Updating Curves
Graph Layout
Curve Operations
Graph Cursors
Curve Measurements
Efficiency Calculator
Graph Zooming and Scrolling
Annotating a Graph
Exporting/Importing Graphs and Data
Saving Graphs
Saving Data
Viewing DC Operating Point Results
Performance Analysis and Histograms
The Command Shell
Command Line
Editing the Menu System
User Defined Toolbars and Buttons
Message Window
Command and Function Reference
Command Summary
Function Summary
Function Reference
Monte Carlo, Sensitivity and Worst-case
Monte Carlo, Sensitivity and Worst-case Analyses
A Monte Carlo Example
Sensitivity/Worst-case Example
Part Tolerance Specification
Running Monte Carlo
Running Sensitivity and Worst-case
Analysing Monte-Carlo Results
Analysing Sensitivity and Worst-case Results
A First Example (SIMetrix)
Curve Fitting Example (SIMetrix)
Running Curve Fitting Example (SIMetrix)
Optimiser GUI Description
Optimiser Algorithms
Verilog-HDL Simulation
Supported Verilog Simulators
Basic Operation
Using Verilog-HDL in SIMetrix Schematics
Module Cache
Simulation Options
Verilog Simulator Interface
Sundry Topics
Saving and Restoring Sessions
Symbolic Path Names
SIMetrix Command Line Parameters
Configuration Settings
Startup Auto Configuration
Colours and Fonts
Startup Script
International Character Sets
Installation and Licensing
SIMPLIS Reference
Organization of this User Manual
Input File Organization
General Rules for the Input File
Organization of the Input File
Device Statements
SIMPLIS Device Types
Model Statements
Device Models Used in Simplis
Subcircuit Definition
Subcircuit Definition
Scope of Definition
Scope of Definition for a Device and for a Node
External and Local Nodes
Subcircuit Calls/Instantiation
Control Statements
Option Statements
Control Statements for Setting Initial Conditions
Control Statements for Printing Variables
Mapping Names to Node Numbers
Creating SIMetrix Plots
Control Statements Associated with Analyses
Running SIMPLIS on a SIMetrix Schematic
Running SIMPLIS for an External Netlist
Running SIMPLIS from a Script
Running SIMPLIS from a DOS Prompt
SIMPLIS Execution
Aborting a SIMPLIS Run
Automatic Program Suspension by SIMPLIS
Netlist Preprocessor
Running Monte Carlo and Multi-step Analyses
Simplis Data Files
The Listing Data File
Error Message Data File
The ``State of Exit'' Data File
Switching Instance Data File
Time-domain Data Output
The Topology Information File
Taking Advantage of Existing Files
Switching Instance Data File for the POP Analysis
Data for the Periodic Operating Point Analysis
Print/Plot File for Frequency-Domain Analysis
Simplis-TX Examples
Example 1 -- Rectifier with RC load
Example 2 -- 3-Phase Rectifier with Resistive Load
Example 3 -- Operational Amplifier with Saturation
Example 4 -- Unregulated Converter
Example 5 -- Regulated Converter
Example 6 -- Saturable Inductor
Example 7 -- SCR with RL Load
Statements Relating to POP Analysis
Synopsis of the Periodic Operating Point Analysis
Example of Applying the POP Analysis Tool
Statements Relating AC Analysis
Synopsis of Small-Signal AC Analysis
Advanced Digital Components
Advanced Digital Component Reference
SIMetrix Script Manual
The SIMetrix Script Language
A Tutorial
Variables, Constants and Types
Statements and Commands
Accessing Simulation Data
User Interface to Scripts
Executing Scripts
Unsupported Functions and Commands
Function Summary
Functions by Application
abs Function
acos Function
acosh Function
ACSourceDialog Function
ACSourceDialogStr Function
AddConfigCollection Function
AddGraphCrossHair Function
AddModelFiles Function
AddPropertyDialog Function
AddRemoveDialog Function
AddRemoveDialogNew Function
AddSymbolFiles Function
AppendSensitivityData Function
area Function
arg Function
arg_rad Function
Ascii Function
asin Function
asinh Function
AssociateModel Function
atan Function
atan2 Function
atan2_deg Function
atan_deg Function
atanh Function
avg Function
BoolSelect Function
Branch Function
BuildMclogHTML Function
BuildParameterString Function
BuildSensitivityCsv Function
BuildSensitivityHTML Function
BuildWorstCaseHTML Function
CanOpenFile Function
ChangeDir Function
Char Function
CheckLaplaceExpression Function
ChooseDir Function
ChooseDirectory Function
Chr Function
CleanPath Function
CloseEchoFile Function
CloseFile Function
CloseSchematic Function
CloseSchematicTab Function
Coll Function
CollateNested Function
CollateVectors Function
CommandStatus Function
CompareSymbols Function
ComposeDigital Function
ConvertFromBase64 Function
ConvertHTMLcolourToRGB Function
ConvertIsoTimeToUnix Function
ConvertLocalToUnix Function
ConvertNumberFromBase64 Function
ConvertNumberToBase64 Function
ConvertRGBcolourToHTML Function
ConvertSchematicFormat Function
ConvertToBase64 Function
ConvertUnixTimeToIso Function
ConvertUnixToLocal Function
CopyDivisionData Function
CopyTree Function
CopyURL Function
cos Function
cos_deg Function
cosh Function
CountChars Function
CreateDiodeDialog Function
CreateGraphMeasurement Function
CreateLockFile Function
CreateMutex Function
CreateNewTitleBlockDialog Function
CreateSharedAxisConnector Function
CreateShortcut Function
CreateTimer Function
CurveEditDialog Function
CurveFit Function
CurveFitLog Function
CurveFitLogX Function
CurveFitLogY Function
cv Function
CyclePeriod Function
Date Function
db Function
DCSourceDialog Function
DCSourceDialogStr Function
DefineADCDialog Function
DefineArbSourceDialog Function
DefineBusPlotDialog Function
DefineCounterDialog Function
DefineCurveDialog Function
DefineDACDialog Function
DefineFourierDialog Function
DefineFourierProbeDialog Function
DefineIdealTxDialog Function
DefineLaplaceDialog Function
DefineLogicGateDialog Function
DefinePerfAnalysisDialog Function
DefineRegisterDialog Function
DefineRipperDialog Function
DefineSaturableTxDialog Function
DefineShiftRegDialog Function
DefineSimplisMultiStepDialog Function
DeleteConfigCollection Function
DeleteTimer Function
DeleteTouchstone Function
DeleteTree Function
DeleteTreeProgress Function
DelSchemProp Function
DescendDirectories Function
DescendHierarchy Function
DestroyMutex Function
DialogDesigner Function
diff Function
DirectoryIsWriteable Function
Distribution Function
EditArcDialog Function
EditAxisDialog Function
EditBodePlotProbeDialog Function
EditBodePlotProbeDialog2 Function
EditCrosshairDimensionDialog Function
EditCurveMarkerDialog Function
EditDeviceDialog Function
EditDigInitDialog Function
EditFileDefinedPWLDialog Function
EditFreeTextDialog Function
EditGraphMeasurement Function
EditGraphTextBoxDialog Function
EditJumperDialog Function
EditLegendBoxDialog Function
EditObjectPropertiesDialog Function
EditPinDialog Function
EditPotDialog Function
EditProbeDialog Function
EditPropertyDialog Function
EditReactiveDialog Function
EditSelect Function
EditSimplisLaplaceFilterDialog Function
EditSimplisMosfetDriverDialog Function
EditStylesDialog Function
EditSymbolBusDialog Function
EditTimer Function
EditWaveformDialog Function
EditWaveformStrDialog Function
ElementProps Function
EncodeImageToBase64 Function
EnterTextDialog Function
EpochTime Function
erf Function
erfc Function
EscapeString Function
EscapeStringEncode Function
ev Function
Execute Function
ExistCommand Function
ExistDir Function
ExistFile Function
ExistFunction Function
ExistSymbol Function
ExistVec Function
exp Function
fd Function
fft Function
Field Function
FileToString Function
FilterEditMenu Function
FilterFile Function
FilterNested Function
FinalDivision Function
FindGraphMeasurement Function
FindModel Function
FIR Function
Floor Function
floorv Function
FormatNumber Function
Fourier Function
FourierOptionsDialog Function
FourierWindow Function
FullPath Function
gamma Function
Gauss Function
GaussLim Function
GaussTrunc Function
GenPrintDialog Function
GetActualPath Function
GetAllAxes Function
GetAllCurves Function
GetAllSimulatorDevices Function
GetAllSymbolPropertyNames Function
GetAllXAxes Function
GetAllYAxes Function
GetAnalysisInfo Function
GetAnalysisLines Function
GetAnnotationText Function
GetAxisCurves Function
GetAxisLimits Function
GetAxisType Function
GetAxisUnits Function
GetChildModulePorts Function
GetCodecNames Function
GetColours Function
GetColourSpec Function
GetCompatiblePathName Function
GetComponentValue Function
GetConfigLoc Function
GetConnectedPins Function
GetConvergenceDevNames Function
GetConvergenceInfo Function
GetConvergenceNodeNames Function
GetCurDir Function
GetCurrentGraph Function
GetCurrentStepValue Function
GetCursorCurve Function
GetCurveAxes Function
GetCurveAxis Function
GetCurveCreationIds Function
GetCurveName Function
GetCurves Function
GetCurveVector Function
GetDatumCurve Function
GetDeviceDefinition Function
GetDeviceInfo Function
GetDeviceParameterNames Function
GetDevicePins Function
GetDeviceStats Function
GetDisabledInstances Function
GetDivisionLabels Function
GetDotParamNames Function
GetDotParamValue Function
GetDriveType Function
GetEnvVar Function
GetEthernetAddresses Function
GetF11Lines Function
GetFailedNodesFromIterNum Function
GetFile Function
GetFileCD Function
GetFileDir Function
GetFileExtensions Function
GetFileInfo Function
GetFileSave Function
GetFileVersionStamp Function
GetFileViewerSelectedDirectories Function
GetFileViewerSelectedFiles Function
GetFirstSelectedElementOfType Function
GetFonts Function
GetFontSpec Function
GetFreeDiskSpace Function
GetGraphFromWindow Function
GetGraphObjects Function
GetGraphObjPropNames Function
GetGraphObjPropValue Function
GetGraphObjPropValues Function
GetGraphTabs Function
GetGraphTitle Function
GetGridAxes Function
GetGridCurves Function
GetGroupAnalysisInfo Function
GetGroupFromAnalysisId Function
GetGroupInfo Function
GetGroupStepParameter Function
GetGroupStepVals Function
GetGUID Function
GetHighlightedWidgetId Function
GetHostId Function
GetHttpContentSize Function
GetInstanceBounds Function
GetInstanceConvergenceInfo Function
GetInstanceParamValues Function
GetInstancePinLocs Function
GetInstsAtPoint Function
GetInternalDeviceName Function
GetKeyDefs Function
GetKnownFolderPath Function
GetLaplaceErrorMessage Function
GetLastCommand Function
GetLastError Function
GetLastGraphObjectAdded Function
GetLegendProperties Function
GetLibraryModels Function
GetLicenseInfo Function
GetLicenseStats Function
GetLine Function
GetListSelected Function
GetListUnselected Function
GetLongPathName Function
GetMaxCores Function
GetMD5 Function
GetMD5String Function
GetMenuItems Function
GetModelFiles Function
GetModelLibraryErrors Function
GetModelName Function
GetModelParameterNames Function
GetModelParameters Function
GetModelParameterValues Function
GetModelType Function
GetModifiedStatus Function
GetNamedSymbolPins Function
GetNamedSymbolPropNames Function
GetNamedSymbolPropValue Function
GetNearestNet Function
GetNextDefaultStyleName Function
GetNodeConvergenceInfo Function
GetNodeNames Function
GetNonDefaultOptions Function
GetNumCurves Function
GetOpenSchematics Function
GetOption Function
GetPath Function
GetPlatformFeatures Function
GetPrinterInfo Function
GetPrintValues Function
GetReadOnlyStatus Function
GetRegistryClassesRootKeys Function
GetSchematicFileVersion Function
GetSchematicFileVersion Function
GetSchematicTabs Function
GetSchematicVersion Function
GetSchemTitle Function
GetSelectedAnnotationText Function
GetSelectedCurves Function
GetSelectedGraphAnno Function
GetSelectedGraphAnnotations Function
GetSelectedGrid Function
GetSelectedStyleNames Function
GetSelectedXAxis Function
GetSelectedYAxis Function
GetShortPathName Function
GetSimConfigLoc Function
GetSimetrixFile Function
GetSIMPLISExitCode Function
GetSimulationErrors Function
GetSimulationInfo Function
GetSimulationSeeds Function
GetSimulatorEvents Function
GetSimulatorMode Function
GetSimulatorOption Function
GetSimulatorOptionInfo Function
GetSimulatorOptions Function
GetSimulatorStats Function
GetSimulatorStatus Function
GetSoaDefinitions Function
GetSoaMaxMinResults Function
GetSoaOverloadResults Function
GetSoaResults Function
GetSymbolArcInfo Function
GetSymbolFiles Function
GetSymbolInfo Function
GetSymbolOrigin Function
GetSymbolPropertyInfo Function
GetSymbolPropertyNames Function
GetSymbols Function
GetSystemInfo Function
GetTempFile Function
GetTextEditorText Function
GetThreadTimes Function
GetTimerInfo Function
GetTitleBlockInfo Function
GetToolBarDefinition Function
GetToolButtons Function
GetTouchstoneErrors Function
GetUncPath Function
GetURLFromLocalPath Function
GetUsedStyles Function
GetUserFile Function
GetVecStepParameter Function
GetVecStepVals Function
GetWidgetInfo Function
GetXAxis Function
GraphImageCapture Function
GraphImageCaptureAdvanced Function
GraphImageParameter Function
GraphLimits Function
GroupDelay Function
Groups Function
GuiType Function
Hash Function
HashAdd Function
HashCreate Function
HashDelete Function
HashKeys Function
HashRemove Function
HashSearch Function
HasLogSpacing Function
HasProperty Function
HaveFeature Function
HaveInternalClipboardData Function
HierarchyHighlighting Function
HighlightedNets Function
Histogram Function
HistoryDepthDialog Function
Iff Function
IffV Function
IIR Function
im Function
imag Function
InitRandom Function
InputGraph Function
InputSchem Function
Instances Function
InstNets Function
InstNets2 Function
InstPins Function
InstPoints Function
InstProps Function
integ Function
Interp Function
IsComplex Function
IsComponent Function
IsDocumented Function
IsFileOfType Function
IsFullPath Function
IsImageFile Function
IsModelFile Function
IsNum Function
IsOptionMigrateable Function
IsSameFile Function
IsScript Function
IsStr Function
IsTextEditor Function
IsTextEditorModified Function
Jitter Function
Join Function
JoinStringArray Function
JoinVectors Function
length Function
ListDirectory Function
ListSchemProps Function
ln Function
LoadFile Function
LoadSensitivityReport Function
LoadTouchstone Function
Locate Function
log Function
log10 Function
LPF Function
mag Function
magnitude Function
makecomplexvec Function
MakeDir Function
MakeLogicalPath Function
MakeString Function
makevec Function
ManageDataGroupsDialog Function
ManageMeasureDialog Function
MapArray Function
max Function
maxidx Function
Maxima Function
Maximum Function
MaxN Function
mean Function
Mean1 Function
MeasureDialog Function
MessageBox Function
Mid Function
min Function
minidx Function
Minima Function
Minimum Function
MinN Function
MkVec Function
MLRidgeRegressionFit Function
MLSplineFit Function
MLVector Function
ModelLibsChanged Function
MSWReadHeader Function
Navigate Function
NearestInst Function
NetName Function
NetNames Function
NetToCirc Function
NetWires Function
NewPassiveDialog Function
NewValueDialog Function
norm Function
NumberSelectedAnnotations Function
NumDivisions Function
NumElems Function
OpenEchoFile Function
OpenFile Function
OpenPDFPrinter Function
OpenPrinter Function
OpenSchem Function
OpenSchematic Function
OptimiserAnalysisLine Function
OptimiserApplyFailedRun Function
OptimiserApplySpecification Function
OptimiserCloseDef Function
OptimiserCreateFromXML Function
OptimiserCreateFromXMLString Function
OptimiserErrorMessage Function
OptimiserFinish Function
OptimiserGetDataObject Function
OptimiserGetDataObjectNames Function
OptimiserGetInfo Function
OptimiserGetIteration Function
OptimiserGetOptions Function
OptimiserGetParameters Function
OptimiserGetParameterValues Function
OptimiserGetSpecification Function
OptimiserLoadWidgetFromXML Function
OptimiserParameterLine Function
OptimiserResults Function
OptimiserRunning Function
OptimiserSimulatorGetDef Function
OptimiserSimulatorGetInfo Function
OptimiserSimulatorResults Function
OptimiserSimulatorStatus Function
OptimiserSimulatorUserMessage Function
OptimiserSimulatorWriteXMLString Function
OptimiserStart Function
OptimiserStatus Function
OptimiserSuccess Function
OptimiserUserMessage Function
OptimiserWidgetCreateOptDef Function
OptimiserWidgetGetDataObject Function
OptimiserWidgetGetDataObjectNames Function
OptimiserWidgetGetInfo Function
OptimiserWidgetPreFlightChecks Function
OptimiserWidgetWriteCommandFile Function
OptimiserWidgetWriteXML Function
OptimiserWidgetWriteXMLString Function
OptimiserWriteCommandFile Function
OptimiserWriteHTMLReport Function
OptimiserWriteXML Function
OptimiserWriteXMLString Function
Parse Function
ParseAnalysis Function
ParseEscape Function
ParseLaplace Function
ParseParameterString Function
ParseParameterString2 Function
ParseProbeExpression Function
ParseSIMPLISInit Function
ParseSpiceLines Function
PathEqual Function
PerCycleTiming Function
PerCycleValue Function
ph Function
phase Function
phase_rad Function
PhysType Function
PinName Function
PrepareSetComponentValue Function
PreProcessNetlist Function
Probe Function
ProcessingAccelerator Function
ProcessingDragAndDrop Function
ProcessingGuiAction Function
Progress Function
PropFlags Function
PropFlags2 Function
PropFlagsAll Function
PropFlagsAnnotations Function
PropFlagsWires Function
PropOverrideStyle Function
PropValue Function
PropValues Function
PropValues2 Function
PropValuesAll Function
PropValuesAnnotations Function
PropValuesWires Function
PutEnvVar Function
PWLCurveFit Function
PWLDialog Function
QueryData Function
RadioSelect Function
Range Function
re Function
ReadClipboard Function
ReadConfigCollection Function
ReadConfigSetting Function
ReadF11Analyses Function
ReadF11Options Function
ReadFile Function
ReadIniKey Function
ReadRegSetting Function
ReadSchemProp Function
ReadSIMPLISF11Data Function
ReadSpiceFile Function
ReadTextEditorProp Function
ReadTouchstone Function
real Function
Ref Function
RefName Function
RegExContains Function
RegExIsValid Function
RegExMatch Function
RegExp Function
RegExReplace Function
RegExSearch Function
RegExSearchAll Function
RegExSplit Function
RegExStrStr Function
RelativePath Function
RemapDevice Function
RemoveConfigCollection Function
RemoveModelFile Function
RemoveSymbolFiles Function
ResolveGraphTemplate Function
ResolveTemplate Function
RestartTranDialog Function
Rms Function
RMS1 Function
RMS1_AC Function
rnd Function
RootSumOfSquares Function
rt Function
SaveSpecialDialog Function
Scan Function
ScanEscape Function
ScriptName Function
Search Function
SearchModels Function
Seconds Function
Select2Dialog Function
SelectAnalysis Function
SelectColourDialog Function
SelectColumns Function
SelectCount Function
SelectDevice Function
SelectDialog Function
SelectedProperties Function
SelectedStyleInfo Function
SelectedWires Function
SelectFontDialog Function
SelectRows Function
SelectSIMPLISAnalysis Function
SelectSymbolDialog Function
SelGraph Function
SelSchem Function
SetComponentValue Function
SetDifference Function
SetInstanceParamValue Function
SetIntersect Function
SetModelParamValue Function
SetPropertyStyles Function
SetReadOnlyStatus Function
SetSymmetricDifference Function
SetUnion Function
Shell Function
ShellExecute Function
ShiftRef Function
sign Function
SimetrixFileInfo Function
SIMPLISRunStatus Function
SIMPLISSearchIdx Function
SimulationHasErrors Function
sin Function
sin_deg Function
sinh Function
Sleep Function
Sort Function
SortIdx Function
SortIdx2 Function
SourceDialog Function
Spectrum Function
SpectrumUniv Function
SplitPath Function
SplitString Function
SprintfNumber Function
sqrt Function
Str Function
StringLength Function
StringStartsWith Function
StripRef Function
StrStr Function
StyleInfo Function
StyleLineTypes Function
StyleNames Function
SubstChar Function
SubstProbeExpression Function
SubstString Function
sum Function
SumNoise Function
SupportedReadFormats Function
SupportedWriteFormats Function
SxUUID Function
SymbolInfoDialog Function
SymbolLibraryManagerDialog Function
SymbolName Function
SymbolNames Function
SymbolPinOrder Function
SymbolPinPoints Function
SystemValue Function
SystemValuePath Function
SystemWidgetExistsInSelectedWindow Function
TableDialog Function
TableEditor Function
tan Function
tan_deg Function
tanh Function
TemplateGetPropValue Function
TemplateResolve Function
TextEditorHasComments Function
ThdWeight Function
TickCount Function
Time Function
ToLower Function
ToUpper Function
TranslateLogicalPath Function
TreeListDialog Function
True Function
Truncate Function
TwoFileSelectionDialog Function
UD Function
UngroupCurve Function
Unif Function
Units Function
UnitsNew Function
unitvec Function
UpDownDialog Function
UserParametersDialog Function
Val Function
ValueDialog Function
Vec Function
vector Function
VectorsInGroup Function
VersionInfo Function
ViewFormattedFile Function
ViewFormattedText Function
WAV_CloseFile Function
WAV_OpenFile Function
WAV_ReadData Function
WAV_WriteFile Function
WC Function
WC2 Function
WirePoints Function
Wires Function
WM_CanRevertToSaved Function
WM_GetAllVisibleContentWidgetNames Function
WM_GetCentralWidgetGeometry Function
WM_GetContentWidgetNames Function
WM_GetContentWidgetSessionInfo Function
WM_GetContentWidgetsLayout Function
WM_GetContentWidgetsOfType Function
WM_GetContentWidgetTypes Function
WM_GetCurrentWidgetInfo Function
WM_GetCurrentWindowName Function
WM_GetLastAccessedContentWidget Function
WM_GetNumberModifiedEditors Function
WM_GetPrimaryWindowName Function
WM_GetSystemWidgetSessionInfo Function
WM_GetSystemWidgetsLayout Function
WM_GetWidgetInstanceInfo Function
WM_GetWindowGeometry Function
WM_GetWindowNames Function
WM_NumberContentWidgets Function
WM_NumberSystemWidgets Function
WriteConfigSetting Function
WriteF11Lines Function
WriteF11Options Function
WriteIniKey Function
WriteRawData Function
WriteRegSetting Function
WriteSchemProp Function
XCursor Function
XDatum Function
XFromY Function
XMLCountElements Function
XMLGetAttribute Function
XMLGetElements Function
XMLGetText Function
XMLSchematic Function
XMLSchematicFile Function
XMLSchematicFromWindow Function
XMLToString Function
XY Function
XYOrdered Function
YCursor Function
YDatum Function
YFromX Function
Command Summary
Abort Command
AbortSIMPLIS Command
About Command
AddAnnotationText Command
AddArc Command
AddCirc Command
AddCurveMarker Command
AddDoubleClickAction Command
AddFileViewMenuItem Command
AddFloodFill Command
AddFreeText Command
AddGlobalStyle Command
AddImage Command
AddImageScript Command
AddLegend Command
AddLegendProp Command
AddPin Command
AddProp Command
AddProperty Command
AddSeg Command
AddSymbolProperty Command
AddTextBox Command
AddTitleBlock Command
AlignText Command
Anno Command
AppendGroup Command
AppendTextWindow Command
Arguments Command
Cancel Command
CaptureWaveformImage Command
Cd Command
ChangeArcAttributes Command
ChangeSelectedStyleNames Command
ChangeStyle Command
ChangeSymbolProperty Command
ClearMessageWindow Command
Close Command
CloseGraphSheet Command
CloseLinkedRun Command
ClosePrinter Command
CloseSchem Command
CloseSheet Command
CloseSimplisStatusBox Command
CloseTextEditor Command
CollectGarbage Command
CombineMenu Command
CompareSymbolLibs Command
CompressXML Command
ConvertBinaryGraph Command
Copy Command
CopyClipGraph Command
CopyClipSchem Command
CopyFile Command
CopyLocalSymbol Command
CreateFont Command
CreateGroup Command
CreateRunningDialog Command
CreateSym Command
CreateToolBar Command
CreateToolButton Command
CursorMode Command
Curve Command
CurveEditCopy Command
DecompressXML Command
DefButton Command
DefineToolBar Command
DefKey Command
DefMenu Command
Del Command
DelCrv Command
Delete Command
DeleteAxis Command
DeleteGlobalStyle Command
DeleteGraphAnno Command
DeleteGraphObject Command
DeleteShortWires Command
DeleteSymbolProperty Command
DeleteToolBar Command
DelGroup Command
DelLegendProp Command
DelMenu Command
DelProp Command
DelSym Command
DestroyRunningDialog Command
Detach Command
Discard Command
Display Command
DrawArc Command
DrawArrow Command
DrawPin Command
Echo Command
EditColour Command
EditCopy Command
EditCut Command
EditFile Command
EditFont Command
EditGroupTitle Command
EditPaste Command
EditPin Command
EndAllInteractions Command
EndSym Command
Execute Command
ExecuteMenu Command
FileViewCleanUpFileWatchers Command
FloodFillSymbol Command
Focus Command
FocusCommandShell Command
FocusShell Command
GroupSelected Command
Help Command
HideCurve Command
HighlightCurve Command
HighlightWidget Command
Hint Command
HourGlass Command
ImportSymbol Command
Inst Command
KeepGroup Command
Let Command
Listing Command
ListModels Command
ListOptions Command
LoadModelIndex Command
LoadSimulatorStyleSheet Command
LoadStyleSheet Command
LocalDeclAll Command
MakeAlias Command
MakeCatalog Command
MakeSymbolScript Command
MakeTree Command
MCD Command
MD Command
Message Command
MessageBox Command
Move Command
MoveCurve Command
MoveFile Command
MoveMenu Command
MoveProperty Command
Netlist Command
NewAnnotation Command
NewAxis Command
NewBasicTextEditor Command
NewFileView Command
NewGraphWindow Command
NewGrid Command
NewLabel Command
NewLogicDefinitionEditor Command
NewNetlist Command
NewPartSelector Command
NewPlot Command
NewPrinterPage Command
NewSchem Command
NewScript Command
NewStyle Command
NewSymbol Command
NewVerilogA Command
NewVerilogHDL Command
NoPaint Command
NoUndo Command
OpenAsciiFile Command
OpenBasicTextEditor Command
OpenDirectory Command
OpenExternalFile Command
OpenGraph Command
OpenGroup Command
OpenLinkedRun Command
OpenLogicDefinitionEditor Command
OpenNetlist Command
OpenPrinter Command
OpenRawFile Command
OpenSchem Command
OpenScript Command
OpenSimplisStatusBox Command
OpenVerilogA Command
OpenVerilogHDL Command
OpenWebPage Command
OptimiserCreate Command
OptimiserRequestFinish Command
OptionsDialog Command
Pan Command
PasteGraphImageToSchematic Command
Pause Command
PlaceCursor Command
Plot Command
PreProcessNetlist Command
PrintGraph Command
PrintSchematic Command
Probe Command
Prop Command
Protect Command
Quit Command
RD Command
ReadLogicCompatibility Command
RebuildSymbols Command
Redirect Command
RedirectMessages Command
Redo Command
RedrawGraph Command
RegisterUserFunction Command
RenameLibs Command
RenameMenu Command
RepeatLastMenu Command
ReplayTraces Command
Reset Command
ResizeWindow Command
RestoreCommandShell Command
RestoreDefaultStyles Command
Resume Command
RotInst Command
Run Command
RunAsync Command
RunCurrentScript Command
RunSIMPLIS Command
Save Command
SaveAs Command
SaveGraph Command
SaveGroup Command
SaveRhs Command
SaveSnapShot Command
SaveSymbol Command
SaveSymlib Command
SaveTextEditor Command
SaveTextEditorAs Command
SchematicEnableFileWatcher Command
SchematicFileWatcherIgnoreChanges Command
SchematicFileWatcherWatchChanges Command
ScreenShotWindow Command
ScriptAbort Command
ScriptPause Command
ScriptResume Command
ScriptStep Command
Select Command
SelectCurve Command
SelectGraph Command
SelectLegends Command
SelectSchematic Command
SelectSimulator Command
SelectSymbolPin Command
SelectWireConnected Command
Set Command
SetAnnotationTextPosition Command
SetCurveName Command
SetDefaultEncoding Command
SetDisable Command
SetGraphAnnoProperty Command
SetGroup Command
SetHighlight Command
SetOrigin Command
SetPinPrefix Command
SetPinSuffix Command
SetReadOnly Command
SetRef Command
SetSnapGrid Command
SetStyleColour Command
SetSymbolFillStyle Command
SetSymbolOriginVisibility Command
SetUnits Command
Shell Command
ShellOld Command
Show Command
ShowCurve Command
ShowSimulatorWindow Command
SizeGraph Command
SwitchModelSection Command
TemplateEditProperty Command
TemplateSetValue Command
TextEditorCommentLines Command
TextEditorFileWatcherIgnoreChanges Command
TextEditorFileWatcherWatchChanges Command
TextEditorFind Command
TextEditorFindNext Command
TextEditorGoToLine Command
TextEditorUncommentLines Command
TextWin Command
Title Command
TitleSchem Command
Trace Command
Undo Command
UndoGraphZoom Command
UngroupSelected Command
UnHighlightCurves Command
UnLet Command
Unprotect Command
Unselect Command
UnSet Command
Unzip Command
UpdateAllSymbols Command
UpdateAnnotationText Command
UpdateDefaultStyle Command
UpdateGlobalStyle Command
UpdateGraphColours Command
UpdateProperties Command
UpdateRunningDialog Command
UpdateStyleInfo Command
UpdateSymbol Command
UpdateSystemStyleInfo Command
UpdateTitleBlock Command
UseGlobalStyles Command
ViewFile Command
WebOpen Command
Wire Command
WireMode Command
WM_CloseAllSystemWidgets Command
WM_CloseNonPrimaryWindows Command
WM_CloseSheet Command
WM_ProgressWindowClose Command
WM_ProgressWindowCloseAll Command
WM_ProgressWindowCreate Command
WM_ProgressWindowReport Command
WM_RevertToSaved Command
WM_Undock Command
WriteImportedModels Command
XMLAddAttribute Command
XMLAddElement Command
XMLClose Command
XMLGoUpLevel Command
XMLNew Command
XMLOpenElement Command
XMLOpenFile Command
XMLSaveFile Command
Zip Command
Zoom Command
User Interface
Custom Curve Analysis
Automating Simulations
Schematic Symbol Script Definition
Data Import and Export
Graph Objects
Event Scripts
User Defined Script Based Functions
User Defined Binary Functions
Non-interactive and Customised Printing
Schematic Template Scripts
Creating and Modifying Toolbars
Custom Dialog Boxes
Pre-defined Buttons
SIMPLIS MDM Beta Tutorial
1.0 Getting Started
2.0 Buck Converter Inductor Design
2.1 Buck Converter Circuit and Inductor
2.2 SIMPLIS MDM Overview
2.3 Design an Inductor Using MDM
2.4 Refine the Inductor Design Using MDM
2.5 Change the Cooling Parameters in MDM
3.0 PFC Inductor Considerations
4.0 Flyback Converter Transformer Design
4.1 Multi-Level Lossy Transformer
4.2 Design a Transformer in SIMPLIS MDM
4.3 Load a Different Transformer Design
4.4 Virtual Winding Machine View
SIMetrix Script Manual
Command Summary
TitleSchem Command
TitleSchem Command
Sets the title of the current schematic.
TitleSchem <title>
The new title for the schematic.
▲ Command Summary ▲
◄ Title
Trace ▶
SIMetrix Script Manual
The SIMetrix Script Language
Function Summary
Command Summary
Abort Command
AbortSIMPLIS Command
About Command
AddAnnotationText Command
AddArc Command
AddCirc Command
AddCurveMarker Command
AddDoubleClickAction Command
AddFileViewMenuItem Command
AddFloodFill Command
AddFreeText Command
AddGlobalStyle Command
AddImage Command
AddImageScript Command
AddLegend Command
AddLegendProp Command
AddPin Command
AddProp Command
AddProperty Command
AddSeg Command
AddSymbolProperty Command
AddTextBox Command
AddTitleBlock Command
AlignText Command
Anno Command
AppendGroup Command
AppendTextWindow Command
Arguments Command
Cancel Command
CaptureWaveformImage Command
Cd Command
ChangeArcAttributes Command
ChangeSelectedStyleNames Command
ChangeStyle Command
ChangeSymbolProperty Command
ClearMessageWindow Command
Close Command
CloseGraphSheet Command
CloseLinkedRun Command
ClosePrinter Command
CloseSchem Command
CloseSheet Command
CloseSimplisStatusBox Command
CloseTextEditor Command
CollectGarbage Command
CombineMenu Command
CompareSymbolLibs Command
CompressXML Command
ConvertBinaryGraph Command
Copy Command
CopyClipGraph Command
CopyClipSchem Command
CopyFile Command
CopyLocalSymbol Command
CreateFont Command
CreateGroup Command
CreateRunningDialog Command
CreateSym Command
CreateToolBar Command
CreateToolButton Command
CursorMode Command
Curve Command
CurveEditCopy Command
DecompressXML Command
DefButton Command
DefineToolBar Command
DefKey Command
DefMenu Command
Del Command
DelCrv Command
Delete Command
DeleteAxis Command
DeleteGlobalStyle Command
DeleteGraphAnno Command
DeleteGraphObject Command
DeleteShortWires Command
DeleteSymbolProperty Command
DeleteToolBar Command
DelGroup Command
DelLegendProp Command
DelMenu Command
DelProp Command
DelSym Command
DestroyRunningDialog Command
Detach Command
Discard Command
Display Command
DrawArc Command
DrawArrow Command
DrawPin Command
Echo Command
EditColour Command
EditCopy Command
EditCut Command
EditFile Command
EditFont Command
EditGroupTitle Command
EditPaste Command
EditPin Command
EndAllInteractions Command
EndSym Command
Execute Command
ExecuteMenu Command
FileViewCleanUpFileWatchers Command
FloodFillSymbol Command
Focus Command
FocusCommandShell Command
FocusShell Command
GroupSelected Command
Help Command
HideCurve Command
HighlightCurve Command
HighlightWidget Command
Hint Command
HourGlass Command
ImportSymbol Command
Inst Command
KeepGroup Command
Let Command
Listing Command
ListModels Command
ListOptions Command
LoadModelIndex Command
LoadSimulatorStyleSheet Command
LoadStyleSheet Command
LocalDeclAll Command
MakeAlias Command
MakeCatalog Command
MakeSymbolScript Command
MakeTree Command
MCD Command
MD Command
Message Command
MessageBox Command
Move Command
MoveCurve Command
MoveFile Command
MoveMenu Command
MoveProperty Command
Netlist Command
NewAnnotation Command
NewAxis Command
NewBasicTextEditor Command
NewFileView Command
NewGraphWindow Command
NewGrid Command
NewLabel Command
NewLogicDefinitionEditor Command
NewNetlist Command
NewPartSelector Command
NewPlot Command
NewPrinterPage Command
NewSchem Command
NewScript Command
NewStyle Command
NewSymbol Command
NewVerilogA Command
NewVerilogHDL Command
NoPaint Command
NoUndo Command
OpenAsciiFile Command
OpenBasicTextEditor Command
OpenDirectory Command
OpenExternalFile Command
OpenGraph Command
OpenGroup Command
OpenLinkedRun Command
OpenLogicDefinitionEditor Command
OpenNetlist Command
OpenPrinter Command
OpenRawFile Command
OpenSchem Command
OpenScript Command
OpenSimplisStatusBox Command
OpenVerilogA Command
OpenVerilogHDL Command
OpenWebPage Command
OptimiserCreate Command
OptimiserRequestFinish Command
OptionsDialog Command
Pan Command
PasteGraphImageToSchematic Command
Pause Command
PlaceCursor Command
Plot Command
PreProcessNetlist Command
PrintGraph Command
PrintSchematic Command
Probe Command
Prop Command
Protect Command
Quit Command
RD Command
ReadLogicCompatibility Command
RebuildSymbols Command
Redirect Command
RedirectMessages Command
Redo Command
RedrawGraph Command
RegisterUserFunction Command
RenameLibs Command
RenameMenu Command
RepeatLastMenu Command
ReplayTraces Command
Reset Command
ResizeWindow Command
RestoreCommandShell Command
RestoreDefaultStyles Command
Resume Command
RotInst Command
Run Command
RunAsync Command
RunCurrentScript Command
RunSIMPLIS Command
Save Command
SaveAs Command
SaveGraph Command
SaveGroup Command
SaveRhs Command
SaveSnapShot Command
SaveSymbol Command
SaveSymlib Command
SaveTextEditor Command
SaveTextEditorAs Command
SchematicEnableFileWatcher Command
SchematicFileWatcherIgnoreChanges Command
SchematicFileWatcherWatchChanges Command
ScreenShotWindow Command
ScriptAbort Command
ScriptPause Command
ScriptResume Command
ScriptStep Command
Select Command
SelectCurve Command
SelectGraph Command
SelectLegends Command
SelectSchematic Command
SelectSimulator Command
SelectSymbolPin Command
SelectWireConnected Command
Set Command
SetAnnotationTextPosition Command
SetCurveName Command
SetDefaultEncoding Command
SetDisable Command
SetGraphAnnoProperty Command
SetGroup Command
SetHighlight Command
SetOrigin Command
SetPinPrefix Command
SetPinSuffix Command
SetReadOnly Command
SetRef Command
SetSnapGrid Command
SetStyleColour Command
SetSymbolFillStyle Command
SetSymbolOriginVisibility Command
SetUnits Command
Shell Command
ShellOld Command
Show Command
ShowCurve Command
ShowSimulatorWindow Command
SizeGraph Command
SwitchModelSection Command
TemplateEditProperty Command
TemplateSetValue Command
TextEditorCommentLines Command
TextEditorFileWatcherIgnoreChanges Command
TextEditorFileWatcherWatchChanges Command
TextEditorFind Command
TextEditorFindNext Command
TextEditorGoToLine Command
TextEditorUncommentLines Command
TextWin Command
Title Command
TitleSchem Command
Trace Command
Undo Command
UndoGraphZoom Command
UngroupSelected Command
UnHighlightCurves Command
UnLet Command
Unprotect Command
Unselect Command
UnSet Command
Unzip Command
UpdateAllSymbols Command
UpdateAnnotationText Command
UpdateDefaultStyle Command
UpdateGlobalStyle Command
UpdateGraphColours Command
UpdateProperties Command
UpdateRunningDialog Command
UpdateStyleInfo Command
UpdateSymbol Command
UpdateSystemStyleInfo Command
UpdateTitleBlock Command
UseGlobalStyles Command
ViewFile Command
WebOpen Command
Wire Command
WireMode Command
WM_CloseAllSystemWidgets Command
WM_CloseNonPrimaryWindows Command
WM_CloseSheet Command
WM_ProgressWindowClose Command
WM_ProgressWindowCloseAll Command
WM_ProgressWindowCreate Command
WM_ProgressWindowReport Command
WM_RevertToSaved Command
WM_Undock Command
WriteImportedModels Command
XMLAddAttribute Command
XMLAddElement Command
XMLClose Command
XMLGoUpLevel Command
XMLNew Command
XMLOpenElement Command
XMLOpenFile Command
XMLSaveFile Command
Zip Command
Zoom Command