To download the examples for Module 5, click
What You Will Learn
- How the SIMPLIS_TEMPLATE property allows you to explicitly pass parameters through
the symbol-to-subcircuit interface
- How the .GLOBALVAR statement allows you to promote a local parameter to a global
Getting Started
In the last topic, 5.2.2 Adding Tabbed
Parameter-Editing Dialogs, you learned how to add a parameter-editing dialog
to a schematic component. The resulting schematic component is parameterized and easy to
use; however, parameters passed into that schematic component can be used only on that
hierarchical level. To manage parameters passed into schematic components at lower
levels, you have two options:
- Pass the parameters through the SIMPLIS_TEMPLATE
- Make the parameters global by using the .GLOBALVAR statement.
Passing parameters explicitly through the symbol-to-subcircuit interface is the
recommended approach. The first exercise demonstrates this method.
Exercise #1: Explicitly
Passing Parameters Through the Symbol-to-Subcircuit Interface
In this exercise you will learn the
syntax required to pass parameters through multiple levels of hierarchy.
- Open the schematic
- Select U1, which is the two-pole RC filter.
- Press Ctrl+E to descend into the param_rc_tvd_top.sxcmp schematic
Result: The schematic for the
param_rc_tvd_top.sxcmp schematic component opens. In addition to the
single-stage filter (E1, E2, R1, C1), a second-stage filter is included using a
second level of the hierarchy. The symbol for the param_rc_tvd.sxcmp
schematic component filter represents the second level of the hierarchy.
- Double click on U1, the param_rc_tvd.sxcmp schematic component.
Result: The tabbed parameter-editing dialog for
the RC Filter opens:

Note: The local parameter FC is passed to the second-stage filter
inside the expression {FC}.
- Press F9 to run the simulation.
Result: The
simulation runs as expected. The cascaded filter has two poles at 10kHz with a
DC gain of 6dB.
Discussion: Exercise
The following describes the process that
occurs in the simulation above:
- In the parameter-editing dialog for the second-stage filter U1, the
parameter FC, which is local to the param_rc_tvd_top.sxcmp
schematic, is assigned to the FC symbol property of the
param_rc_tvd.sxcmp filter symbol.
- The symbol-to-subcircuit interface for the param_rc_tvd.sxcmp takes this
symbol property value and passes the value as a parameter to the underlying
- The end result is that the FC parameters at the two different hierarchy levels
are identical and equal to the value assigned to the top-level
param_rc_tvd_top.sxcmp symbol.
- In this example, the two other parameters used in the param_rc_tvd.sxcmp
schematic component, GAIN and R_VAR are assigned fixed values.
One of the key benefits to passing
parameters explicitly through the symbol-to-subcircuit interface is that you have
complete control over the parameters used at each hierarchy level and you have a
modular implementation.
- The param_rc_tvd.sxcmp is a stand-alone schematic component and can be
reused in any other design.
- Because parameters are passed explicitly, you can choose which parameters are
passed from one level to another via the symbol-to-subcircuit interface. Fixed
parameter values can be entered on the dialog.
- Where the parameters are defined is never in question - a user simply clicks on
the dialog to view the parameters.
The next exercise which uses the
.GLOBALVAR statement to pass parameters through the hierarchy illustrates a direct
contrast to the example in Exercise #1.
Exercise #2: Using
.GLOBALVAR to Promote a Local Parameter
In this exercise, you will learn how the
.GLOABALVAR statement can be used to promote a local parameter to a global
- Open the schematic 5.7_parametrized_rc_filters_2_pole_globalvar.sxsch.
- Select U1, which is the two-pole RC filter.
- Press Ctrl+E to descend into the param_rc_tvd_top_globalvar.sxcmp
schematic component.
Result: The schematic for the
param_rc_tvd_top_global.sxcmp schematic component opens. As in the
previous example, a second-stage filter is included using a second level of the
- Select U1, the second-stage RC filter.
- Right click and select Edit/Add Properties... from the context menu.
Result: The properties for the param_rc.sxcmp
symbol are displayed in the Edit Properties dialog.
Note: No parameter
values are stored on symbol properties and no SIMPLIS_TEMPLATE property is
present. This symbol does not pass parameters into the underlying schematic.
- Click Cancel on the Edit Properties dialog.
- Press F11 to open the command (F11) window for the schematic component.
Result: The two comment lines and three
.GLOBALVAR statement promote the local parameters to global
*** Three parameters were passed into this level.
*** Here we "promote" the parameter scope to global.
- Press F9 to run the simulation.
Result: The
simulation runs and the cascaded filter has a DC gain of 0dB because the GAIN
parameter is made global at the first level, resulting in the same gain for
both filters. Because the .GLOBALVAR method is used, there is no way to change
Discussion: Exercise
The following describes the process that
occurs in the simulation above:
- In this example, the FC, R_VAR, and GAIN parameters are
passed into the param_rc_tvd_top_globalvar.sxcmp schematic from the symbol
via the symbol-to-subcircuit interface.
- These parameters are local to this schematic level and cannot be used in any
- The three .GLOBALVAR statements in the F11 window effectively promote these
parameters to be global
at this level and every level below the current level
- Just because the parameter is promoted to a global parameter at this level does
not make it available at higher levels of hierarchy, such as at 5.
Exercise #3: GLOBALVAR
This exercise demonstrates how global
parameters are
available at higher levels of the hierarchy.
- Press Ctrl+U to ascend to the top level schematic: 5.7_parametrized_rc_filters_2_pole_globalvar.sxsch .
- Double click on R1 to edit the value.
- Change the Result field to {FC}as shown below:
- Click Ok to accept these changes.
- Press F9 to run the simulation.
Result: The
simulation halts with an error because the parameter FC is not defined at the
top level
<<<<<<<< Error Message ID: 1038 >>>>>>>>
input file C:\Training\Module_5_Examples\SIMPLIS_Data/5.7_parametrized_rc_filters_2_pole_globalvar.deck, line 9:
R1 9 0 {FC}
A number to represent the value
for `resistance' is expected at the
location where `{FC}' occupies.
Discussion: Exercise
Parameters promoted to global are
available only at the level of hierarchy where the .GLOBALVAR statement is located
and at lower levels. This important concept helps demonstrate that the passing of
parameters between hierarchy levels is unidirectional. Parameters are always passed
from higher levels to lower levels,
the other way around.
Exercise #4: Passing
Parameters From the Top-Level Schematic Component
At times, you may need to pass
parameters from a top-level schematic component, such as an IC, to a specific
lower-level component. This example separates the parameters for the two filters and
provides a top-level editing dialog for both filters.
- Open the schematic 5.8_parametrized_rc_filters_independent.sxsch.
- Double click on the symbol for U1.
Result: The parameter-editing dialog opens with two tabs: one for each filter stage.
The symbol has six parameters: three for the first-stage filter and three for
the second-stage filter.
- Click Cancel on the dialog.
- Press Ctrl+E to descend into the param_rc_tvd_independent.sxcmp
- Double click on U1, which is the second-stage RC filter.
Result: The parameter-editing dialog opens, populated
with the second-stage filter parameters which are passed into the
param_rc_tvd_independent.sxcmp via the symbol-to-subcircuit interface of the
top-level 2 stage filter.. The second stage filter param_rc_tvd then passes
these parameters into the schematic of the param_rc_tvd.sxcmp through the
symbol-to-subcircuit interface.
Discussion: Exercise
The two RC filters in the example above
use two sets of parameters that are completely independent of each other even though
the parameters are edited on the top-level symbol. The three second-stage parameters
FC_STAGE_2, R_VAR_STAGE_2, and GAIN_STAGE_2 are used only in
the second-stage filter although the parameter values are available on the first
level as well. You can extend this method to any number of hierarchy levels. The
symbol on each hierarchy level will pass all parameters which are used at lower
Conclusions and Key Points to
- Passing parameters through the symbol-to-subcircuit interface with the
SIMPLIS_TEMPLATE symbol property provides a flexible and modular component. Because
models parameterized this way are modular, they can be reused in other subcircuits.
Parameter values can be passed down through the hierarchy by enclosing the local
parameter in curly braces {}.
- Using the .GLOBALVAR statement to pass parameters to lower levels in the hierarchy
is not a modular approach, which means that all schematic components parameterized
with .GLOBALVAR have identical values. For this reason, using .GLOBALVAR should be
avoided. Schematic components parameterized this way are not modular because the
parameters must be defined in a higher level of the hierarchy.