Modeling Reverse Recovery Loss


Previously Held on Thu, January 31st, 2019

Rescheduled: Jan 31st, 2019 at 1:00 EST.

This webinar concludes a three part series on modeling switching losses in SIMPLIS. You can view recordings and download example files for the first two webinars at the following links:

In this one hour webinar, we will discuss reverse recovery loss in diodes. To begin the discussion, we will present waveforms for a diode commutating from an on to off state under an inductive load for the following models:

  1. No Reverse Recovery and No Junction Capacitance (ideal, conduction only.)
  2. No Reverse Recovery but Including the Junction Capacitance (ideal, capacitance only.)
  3. Including Reverse Recovery (conduction, junction capacitance, and reverse recovery as modeled by SPICE).

From this foundation, we will discuss how a typical SPICE model lacks excess charge, leading to a "snappy" recovery where the diode current changes almost instantaneously from the minimum reverse current (IRM) to zero. This model defect can be corrected by using the "Lauritzen and Ma" soft recovery model, which accurately models both phases of reverse current in the diode, the first phase leading up to IRM and the second phase as the diode current recovers to zero after IRM. A SIMPLIS model for the soft recovery diode is presented and the model parameters discussed.


  1. Introduction to diode turn-off waveforms
  2. Soft-recovery waveforms including excess charge
  3. Lauritzen and Ma soft recovery circuit for SIMPLIS
  4. Defining the Lauritzen and Ma model parameters for the SIMPLIS model
  5. Comparing losses with and without reverse recovery

Link to Webinar Recording

The webinar recording can be viewed via GoTo Webinar at this link: Modeling Reverse Recovery Loss (57:49)
The recording can also be viewed via Amazon CloudFront at this link: Modeling Reverse Recovery Loss (57:49)

Reference Materials

Schematics and presentation slides for the webinar can be downloaded here: