Previously Held on May 18th, 2017
This one hour webinar focuses on creating high-level models, both from the IC developer and system-level designer's point of view. Techniques for defining block re-usability and parameterization as well as designing models which simulate fast and succeed at the Periodic Operating Point (POP) analysis are covered. Finally, methods for backing up models and taking "snapshots" of models as they are developed are covered.
Link to Webinar Recording
The webinar recording can be viewed via GoTo Webinar at this link: Modeling Tips and Tricks (55:40)
The recording can also be viewed via Amazon CloudFront at this link: Modeling Tips and Tricks (55:40)
Part I:
- Designing Models for Successful POP Analysis
- Modeling Startup and Steady-State in one Model
- Creating Configurable Schematics with Conditional Instantiations
Part II:
- Designing Models for Speed and Accuracy
- Model Directory Structure and Testbenches
- Making Copies of Model Hierarchy
Reference Materials
Schematics and presentation slides for the webinar can be downloaded here: