Previously Held on Feb 16th, 2017
SIMetrix/SIMPLIS version 8.10, was introduced on December 13th, 2016. Several new features were added and this webinar will cover some new SIMPLIS features.
Link to Webinar Recording
The webinar recording can be viewed via GoTo Webinar at this link: New Features in SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Version 8.10 (53:22)
The recording can also be viewed via Amazon CloudFront at this link: New Features in SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Version 8.10 (53:22)
- Arbitrary Fixed Probe
- Fixed Fourier Probe
- New File-Defined PWL Source
- Laplace Filter Dialog Updated with Pole-Zero Entry Methods
- Continuous or Discrete Time Filter
- Back annotation option to reset all inductors and capacitors to zero amps and zero volts
- Ability to change all schematic component values to the values from a specific Monte Carlo run
- Preprocessor Improvement: Global variables which indicate the currently running analysis directives are created for every SIMPLIS simulation.
- DVM improvements
- 3D Testplan Generator
- Nested Multi-Step Parameters can be defined on the DVM control symbol
- LoadComponentValues Testplan Column
- Bode Plot Load w/ DC Current Load
- ExtractCurve function can now extract a curve from a specified step in a Monte Carlo or Multi-Step Simulation
Reference Materials
Schematics and presentation slides for the webinar can be downloaded here: